Contact Admin

Add your details to this map for free at Best view of this map on a phone or computer. If you need a Transport Manager or help with an Operator's Licence anywhere in the UK, call Dmitry Nade 7 days a week on 07833 684449 or WhatsApp or email [email protected]

Join The Transport Forum for free – the largest transport and logistics association in the UK by far. We have more members than all the other associations combined including the RHA and Logistics UK. It's free and we have no membership fee. When you join, you will be able to network with other members and read our daily discussions about very useful transport topics. You can also ask any transport questions and get immediate answers. We have 2 Facebook groups, several WhatsApp groups, Reddit and a forum website. Join at the links below.

Facebook group 1
Transport Managers CPC UK
29,000 members

Facebook group 2
Professional Truck Drivers UK
21,000 members

The Transport Forum website (you are on the "Contact us" page right now)
45,000 members
To find various sub-forums by topic for transport managers, operators, drivers of HGV and PSV and others, scroll down past the "RECENT TOPICS" section at the top on the Home page (also called on the Board Index page). Here's how to register and post: viewtopic.php?t=6836

WhatsApp groups

Transport Managers CPC UK

Professional Truck Drivers UK

Bus Coach Drivers Operators UK – Announcements

Reddit community

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