Negative review that ABCTIRtrans Ltd - Costel Ciubotaru - OF2061494 left on Google about in Apr 2023

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Negative review that ABCTIRtrans Ltd - Costel Ciubotaru - OF2061494 left on Google about in Apr 2023

Post by Admin »

On 24 April 2023, ABCTIRtrans Ltd - Costel Ciubotaru - OF2061494 left a negative review on Google about That review can be found at this link:

Company details

ABCTIRtrans Ltd
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden

Costel Ciubotaru - Company director
Tel: 07859503626
[email protected]

Companies House page (Company status: Dissolved) ... y/14200724

In his review, Costel Ciubotaru wrote the following:
I unfortunately had a very negative experience with Hirett Limited, a company represented by Dimitrie, who promised to apply for a transport license on my behalf last December, after I paid a large sum of money. As of the end of April, I still do not have the license, and the reason for this is that the transport manager that Dimitrie added to the license application had their previous license revoked by the commissioner, but nobody informed me of this before I paid. As a result, I have wasted months of time and thousands of pounds without receiving the license I was promised. Dimitrie is clearly a schemer who takes advantage of people by taking their money without fulfilling his promises. Also when I ask for a refund him start to swer me
My response on Google was as follows:
The application of this company called ABCTIRtrans Ltd (OF2061494) was delayed by the Traffic Commissioner's licensing office for an unknown reason. Sometimes they would just sit on an application without giving a clear indication about the reason for the delay. They did ask some questions about the transport manager which were answered on the same day. They also asked additional questions addressed to the director. ABCTIRtrans Ltd did not pay for the transport manager during the vast majority of this waiting period, he stayed on without getting paid. We made every attempt to find out the reasons for the delay in order to take measures to speed up the process but the licensing office would not say anything specific, they just delayed and delayed the process. In the end, they offered him a licence and they only asked both the transport manager and the director to take a 1-day Operator Licensee Awareness Training course which is a normal request for many applicants. Understandably, this client is upset but we have no control over the Traffic Commissioner's office, they can pretty much do whatever they want. During this entire time, this client would regularly call, shout, insult and threaten me, he would not listen to my explanations. Strangely enough, ABCTIRtrans Ltd withdrew their application at the last moment, after they were notified that the application was successful which shows that he had some ulterior motives for all the drama.

Below is the correspondence that was received from the Office of the Traffic Commissioner's regarding this application. The application took a little over 4 months from submission to grant. It is longer than usual but some application take even longer. The OTC is unpredictable with their processing times and they can do pretty much whatever they want, see this link as one example of their rogue caseworkers and what they do sometimes. But when the licence was granted, Ciubotaru refused to accept it and withdrew the application instead. That likely shows that he had changed his mind altogether about running this business and just wanted to get a refund by lying and using the delay as an excuse. I never guarantee or promise how long exactly an application can take because I can't control the bureaucrats at the OTC, however we routinely get licenses issued in less than a month, here's a list of such licenses: viewtopic.php?t=96

The licence was granted on 21/04/2023 with a simple and common condition that the director and transport manager take a one-day Operator Licence Awareness Training (OLAT) course:

But 3 days after the licence was granted, instead of accepting it, Ciubotaru withdrew the application:

The following screenshot is from this link:
https://www.vehicle-operator-licensing. ... lications/
if you search for the application number OF2061494

Applications and Decisions Publications - ABCTIRtrans Ltd - Costel Ciubotaru - OF2061494.png
Applications and Decisions Publications - ABCTIRtrans Ltd - Costel Ciubotaru - OF2061494.png (145.11 KiB) Viewed 217 times
If you need a Transport Manager (CPC Holder) or assistance with an Operator's Licence anywhere in the UK, contact Dmitry Nade at 7 days a week 8am-11pm on 07833 684449 or WhatsApp or email: [email protected]
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