Search found 12 matches
- Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:28 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: MORNING GUYS, So it's true they are trying to kill us £11.50 an hour???
- Replies: 250
- Views: 6195
Re: MORNING GUYS, So it's true they are trying to kill us £11.50 an hour???
No way £20 ph minimum!
- Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:58 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Just wondering if anyone worked / working at maritime? I have an interview. I'm new pass just wondered what its like
- Replies: 115
- Views: 3390
Re: Just wondering if anyone worked / working at maritime? I have an interview. I'm new pass just wondered what its like
mate i did 40 odd years and never left the bottom Lol!lord3sten wrote: ↑Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:57 pm32 years in and i an still at the bottom lol
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:43 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Question.. How do newly qualified drivers get a job in the industry? Where is this experience supposed to come from?
- Replies: 161
- Views: 5595
Re: Question.. How do newly qualified drivers get a job in the industry? Where is this experience supposed to come from?
I had all this years ago early 70s what did was blag it thats all you can do apart from that just keep trying, what I said to one guy when I applied he said the same to me must have experience, i said to him how do i do that if your not prepared to give me experience? He actually gave me a job ...
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:23 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Question.. How do newly qualified drivers get a job in the industry? Where is this experience supposed to come from?
- Replies: 161
- Views: 5595
Re: Question.. How do newly qualified drivers get a job in the industry? Where is this experience supposed to come from?
I was going to say the same thing
and this is the difference between experienced drivers and people who are strung along to believe they're gonna be sorted with a well paid job straight after passing their class 2 because their "contact" give him a pinky promise 🤣
yeah definitely I’m ...
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:10 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
- Replies: 203
- Views: 6251
Re: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
no it's not !!
ok if you say so!
just because you find it rude and take offence doesn't mean "it's offensive" just means "you're offended"
I didn’t not in any way say i was OFFENDED so dont come out with that bollox it takes a lot for me to offended! Where did i say that , i just ...
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:09 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
- Replies: 203
- Views: 6251
Re: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
ok if you say so!
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:07 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
- Replies: 203
- Views: 6251
Re: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
if you say so!
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:04 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
- Replies: 203
- Views: 6251
Re: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
this is the attitude employers want you to have so they can pay who they want what they want wage discussion should be more common place
it breeds discontent!
how? Way I see it is let's say your on £1000 a week I'm on £900 and we both have the same skill set both reliable both been ...
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:03 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
- Replies: 203
- Views: 6251
Re: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
it breeds discontent!1715_benjo wrote: ↑Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:03 pmthis is the attitude employers want you to have so they can pay who they want what they want wage discussion should be more common place
- Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:00 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
- Replies: 203
- Views: 6251
Re: Hello, If no one minds discussing wages, what’s the most that anyone takes home on a weekly basis. No bullsh***ing
Didn’t you know its bad form and manners to ask someone’s earnings! So just be content with what you have,
- Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:34 pm
- Forum: Transport managers | General discussions
- Topic: Hi all, hope your well, question for you, I understand that the maximum vehicle combination (according to the gov
- Replies: 8
- Views: 251
Re: Hi all, hope your well, question for you, I understand that the maximum vehicle combination (according to the gov
Check the 5th wheel to rear distance on trailer, usually about 12m rather than 15.5m. Minster plates on unit shows front to 5th wheel. Add both up for total length
- Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:46 pm
- Forum: HGV truck drivers | General discussions
- Topic: I really don't understand some drivers, if you think you're underpaid or being treated badly, get a job somewhere
- Replies: 74
- Views: 1795
Re: I really don't understand some drivers, if you think you're underpaid or being treated badly, get a job somewhere
Well said mate
my sentiments exactly!